(click to download photos and description)

At the heart of our voting process, we are a collection of unique individuals with a diverse range of experiences, but together we make the world we live in. Voting shapes day-to-day life in the US, however, the actions and policies of America extend to all reaches of the globe. As we become more and more aware of how interconnected we all are, we see the direct implications of our decisions on a global level, impacting all living creatures around the world. VOTE! urges us to consider the weight of voting on behalf of the people and beings who cannot vote but are affected by what we decide, for example, what would be on Nature's mind if it had a chance to vote?

VOTE! is a sculpture of four voting booths with three flamingos casting their votes. Located at the newly constructed Supervisor of Elections building, which collects and counts votes and educates the public about the voting process, the sculpture reveals what goes on inside the building and makes the voting experience more relatable.

Even though VOTE! is a light-hearted image with flamingos, it illustrates the humanity of voting wherein each individual gets to express what is in their heart and mind. While all three flamingos stand in identical voting booths, they are voting in their unique way—One flamingo has its head down deep in thought, while the other two flamingos are sizing each other up or trying to see who the other one is voting for. The brightly-colored flamingos of VOTE! are designed to appeal to people from all age groups, serving as a whimsical and educational landmark for the Elections building. 

The sculpture by artist Matthew Mazzotta was commissioned by Palm Beach County. He was inspired by the diverse natural habitats Florida provides for all its wildlife. These oversized flamingoes are a reminder that we share this location with all the rich life that also calls this location home. 

Photo credit to Robin Hill