Steller's Jays and Blue Jays are the only North American Jays with head crests. Steller’s Jays can be found year-round in forested and urban areas throughout Washington. They are very social birds, traveling in groups and joining mixed-species flocks.

The mythology that surrounds the Steller’s Jay portrays them as a message of hope that teaches us fearlessness, adaptability and survival. They remind us to pay attention and not allow ourselves to be placed in a position in which power is misused against us.

This larger than life size blue bird on a budding red branch reminds us that we share this planet with all the wildlife that also call this place home. The title WHERE’S THE PARTY comes from the fact that a group of Steller’s Jays has many collective nouns, including a "band", "cast", and a "party" of jays.